The history of the bed: The steel coil spring is invented

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In this series we take a look at the history of the bed – Part 3 The steel coil spring is invented #MargateBeds

Here you will learn about beds and their story in history. From the first humble bed, to the modern beds we have all come to know and love. Purchase your next bed form the best bed supplier Margate Furnishers.

  1. Mid 18th century: Mattress covers begin to be made of quality linen or cotton. The mattress cane box is shaped or bordered, and fillings include natural fibers such as coconut fibre, cotton, wool, and horsehair. The mattress is tufted or buttoned to attach the stuffing to the cover and the edges are stitched.
  2. 1857: The steel coil spring is invented and is first patented for use in chair seats.
  3. 1865: The first coil spring construction for bedding is patented.

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