The history of the bed: Mattresses are made of pea shucks

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In this series we take a look at the history of the bed – Part 2 #MargateBeds

Here you will learn about beds and their story in history. From the first humble bed, to the modern beds we have all come to know and love. Purchase your next bed from the best bed supplier Margate Furnishers. 

  1. 200 B.C.E.: Mattresses in Ancient Rome consist of bags of cloth stuffed with reeds, hay, or wool; the wealthy use feather stuffing.
  2. 15th century: During the Renaissance, mattresses are made of pea shucks, straw, or sometimes feathers, stuffed into coarse ticks, and covered with velvets, brocades, or silks.
  3. 16th and 17th centuries: The same as the 15th century

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